
‘Silly Walk Song’: aprenda a cantar a nova música do Monty Python

Uma das músicas mais legais recém-lançadas pelo Monty Python é The Silly Walk Song, ou, em bom português: A Canção do Andar Tolo.

Nós adoramos cantá-la, mas só ficar no embromation não dá mais…

Então, para resolver essa questão, postamos aqui a sensacional letra dessa sensacional canção.

É isso aí, tratem de cantar e se divertir!


Work work money money
Work work money money
Work work funny money
Funny money work work
Work work hurry hurry
Work work worry worry
Work work hurry hurry
Worry worry work work

Morning morning morning
Morning Jill Morning Jack
Can’t complain keep coming back
Morning morning morning
Morning Jim Morning Fred
Work all day until you’re dead

Money is the root of evil
Money is the fruit of sin
Money is the root of everything
Wear a suit they’ll let you in

Morning morning morning
What’s the point and what’s the use?
Work unknown and reproduce
Boring boring boring
Work all day earn your bread
‘Til you finally drop down dead

Money is the root of evil
Money is the fruit of sin
Money money money can drive you mad
End up in the loony bin

Work work money money
Work work money money
Work work funny money
Funny money work work
Work work hurry hurry
Work work worry worry
Work work hurry hurry
Worry worry work work

Money is the root of evil
Money is the fruit of sin
Money is the root of everything
Pay up or we’ll do you in

Work hard every single day
Work work work your life away
Don’t question what don’t question why
Just keep working ‘till you die

Money is the root of evil
Money is the fruit of sin
Money is the root of everything
The Grim Reaper’s coming in

Life is a Silly Walk in the park
And knife in your throat held after dark
Life is a terrible joke a lark
A spoken word and then it all goes dark

Money is the root of evil
Money is the fruit of sin
Funny money loot will make you rich
Life’s a bitch and you can’t win
Money is the root of evil
Never ever question why
Money is the fruit of evil
Work all day until you die

Thiago Meister Carneiro

Jornalista Especialista em Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, 42 anos na cara. Às vezes grava vídeos para o canal "Monty Python Brasil" no youtube. Autor dos livros "A História (quase) Definitiva de Monty Python" e "O Guia da Carreira-Solo dos Membros do Monty Python".

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